Tips to keep shoppers in-store for longer
C4 display has decided to put together some tips for retailers to keep customers in their stores for longer.
Here are some tips:
Have enough trolleys and baskets available
Strangely enough trolleys and baskets keep customers in your shop for longer, and they can help increase the number of products the customer buys. Even if you have a small store you should still have trolleys and baskets available for your customers. It is difficult for a shopper to shop without a trolley or a basket so make sure that you have enough of both.
Surprise your customers
Retailers really need to be creative these days and design their stores in a way that confronts shoppers with items that get their interest and keep them looking around in your store for longer. Having display stands throughout your store may also lead customers to new areas and shop longer.
Have good staff
You need to have good staff in your store, a welcoming staff member will make customers feel good and this will also keep the customer there for longer. Customers need to be all treated the same and given equal attention.
Make your customers feel comfortable
If customers walk into your store carrying lots of bags and jackets or coats offer to keep them safe for them. This will free up their hands to shop in your store.
Engage with customer’s senses
Free food and drink samples work well, product demos can entice customers and keep them in their spending mood.
Do you have any tips on keeping shoppers in-store for longer? Share your thoughts and comments below or call us on +27 (0) 11 705 3199.