It is very important to understand the use of colour psychology in your Retail Business
With having a successful business there are many ways for you to attract customers to your store and most importantly to get customers to purchase and come back to your store. Some ways to achieve this successfully is to have attractive display stands, display equipment, lighting, music and colour is very important. Colour has an instant effect on your customers without them even being aware of it.
The success of your business all depends on how well you reach your target markets and how the customer responds to your retail store.
Before setting up your retail store you need to determine the age range of your customers, are they more females or males, their culture, their level of education and their financial status. Are you trying to attract a buyer who is more price conscious, or a customer who is at the upper end, are your customer’s children, adults or the elderly, male or female or all?
By understanding both the psychological and physiological impact of your choice of colours you can create a unified colour scheme for your business that will have a positive impact on your clients and send them back to your store again and again. Making the customer feel comfortable in your store will make them return and they will refer you to all their friends and family.
Choose colours that will send the message you wish to convey out to your customers.
The colour green is stimulating to thirst, so it is advisable to use green where for example a restaurant relies on beverages as a major part of its custom. Green combined with red or orange is the right colours to use for all food outlets. Green surprisingly helps staff tolerate a noisy environment.
Yellow is a happy and playful colour but it can also create anxiety. If you want your customers to come in and out of your store quickly, then the colour yellow will help. It is advisable to use yellow in small amounts as it can agitate and make some people stress out a little bit.
The colour blue will show that you are honest and trustworthy and have a calming effect on your customers coming into your retail store. Blue also has the effect on customers to linger longer in your store and help to keep loyal returning customers. Blue is a colour favoured by most people.
Red is advisable to be used in small doses in retail businesses. It can cause aggression and anger if used into big amounts so only use red in small amounts to add a little bit of energy, passion and excitement in your retail store.
It is very important to always use complementary colours in little proportions to balance out the main colour that you have chosen for your retail store.
Too many of any colour can have the opposite effect to the one you intended so it is always important to choose and go for the right colours when setting up your retail store.
Do you have any tips for us on colour psychology for a retail Business? Please leave and share your thoughts below.